Dentist + Dental Implant Specialist Raleigh, NC

Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost

Written by Williams, Daily & Frazier | May 6, 2021 12:45:00 PM

If you have lost all your teeth on either your upper or lower jaw, you might be considering dental implants, but worry about the price. Fortunately, full mouth dental implants may be more affordable than you think.

Full mouth dental implants are the best way to replace all of the teeth in one jaw or both. A full mouth dental implant is also one of the most challenging – precision is essential for an optimal outcome.

Replacing all the missing teeth with dental implants restores the appearance, comfort, and function of your entire mouth. Dental implants are the closest things possible to your natural teeth. You can chew, bite, talk and smile with dental implants just like you would with your natural teeth, and taking care of dental implants is the same as caring for your natural teeth. Dental implants also stimulate and maintain the jaw bone that previously held your missing teeth, which helps keep the shape of your cheeks and lips.


The Full Mouth Dental Procedure

The full mouth dental implant procedure requires multiple steps that take place over a few months, providing the oral tissues enough time to heal between each process. The first step is a consultation, in which you and your dentist will determine if full mouth dental implants are right for you. During the consultation, your dentist will examine your mouth and jawbones and provide you with information about dental implants. Next is the diagnostic and planning stage, in which your dentist performs x-rays or CT scans and creates mock-ups of how your new smile might appear.

The next step involves preparing your jaws for the dental implants. Your dentist will remove any remaining unhealthy teeth while preserving as much bone and gum tissue as possible. Grafting may be necessary if there is not enough jawbone to support the implants. The grafting process involves moving bone tissue from other places in the jaw or other body areas to the treatment area.

Next, your dentist places 6 to 8 implants in the upper jaw and 4 to 6 implants in the lower jaw; each implant holds several artificial tooth crowns. These implants, made from sturdy metal, fuse with the jawbone to create a sturdy support base for the artificial tooth crowns. Your dentist will build fixed temporary bridges that cover the implanted metal posts to complete the look and feel of natural teeth. After the implants fuse with your jawbone, your dentist will create durable, natural-looking porcelain teeth that fit over the implants.


Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants

Cost of a single-tooth implant

Carolina Implant offers a single implant with a crown for half the average cost in Raleigh, NC. The overall costs can vary according to each patient’s individual needs.

Full mouth implants cost

Costs can vary widely due to patients' individual needs, so a range for the full mouth is $10,000 - $90,000. The average price, however, is about $35,000.

Full mouth dental implants provide several benefits. Unlike removable dentures that can slip, slide, and even fall out, full mouth implants are strong and secure. Full mouth dental implants feel and function just like your natural teeth, so no special care is needed. They are also natural-looking, so nobody knows you have them.


Dental Implant Specialist in Raleigh

For more information about full mouth dental implants, consult with your dental implant specialist in Raleigh. Carolina Implant is Raleigh's go-to dentist for implants because of our advanced training and expertise in performing dental implants.

Schedule a free consultation with Carolina Implant today – we’d love to help you get the smile you’ve always dreamed of.