Dentist + Dental Implant Specialist Raleigh, NC

A Great Time for A Great Cause

Written by Williams, Daily & Frazier | May 2, 2018 6:42:54 PM

Once again, teamwork made the dream work for the Williams & Daily staff. This time around, our team focused its energy on giving back to the local community in a big way. Launching the Hoops for the Hungry campaign in early March, the dream team set out to collect 500 food items for the food pantry of a local non-profit organization, Urban Ministries. We even invited our patients, family, and friends to join in on the fun.

Boldly addressing the the hunger crisis that exists in the Wake county area, Urban Ministries’ food pantry provides a week’s worth of groceries to as many as 50 families each weekday. In 2017, the organization distributed 270 tons of food and served more than 20,000 adults and 10,000 hungry children. To say we were thrilled to be a part of this mission is an understatement.

With everyone joining together, we were able to well exceed our goal of 500 and collected a whopping total of 591 food items. That’s nearly 570 pounds! We couldn’t have done it without the help of our exceptional patients, family, and friends. We thank you for your eager participation!

But collecting the food wasn’t nearly enough for this committed team. The crew went above and beyond and inventoried what was on the shelves at the food pantry, then stocked them full with the items they brought in. Besides the impact these efforts will have on those in need, the best part of the experience was witnessing a group of people that truly wanted to be there, that worked together, and that kept smiles on their faces the entire time.

And of course we had to put our own spin on the stocking. Through a healthy competition, we learned just how many cereal boxes our doctors could handle at a time. We were quite impressed!

To make things even more exciting, it was decided that if we could meet our office goal of 500 food items, our doctors would receive a pie in the face. Enjoy the clip of your dentists being pied in the face and like us on Facebook to watch for upcoming opportunities to get involved in our community. We promise to have fun in the name of a great cause!