Dentist + Dental Implant Specialist Raleigh, NC

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Written by Williams, Daily & Frazier | Oct 15, 2021 8:45:00 AM

Tooth extraction is the last option when it comes to correcting a dental problem. However, this procedure may be necessary to either save the tooth, or save the gumline. If your tooth has been severely injured or has suffered from extensive damage over many years, it may be necessary to remove your tooth. Working with a dental professional can help you decide when it's time to get this kind of work done.

The tooth is experiencing severe decay.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria builds up in the mouth and isn't properly brushed off the teeth. Tooth decay can be worsened by a habit of eating sugary foods and sipping sugary drinks. Symptoms of tooth decay include pain when biting down, sensitivity to hot and cold drinks, holes or pits in your teeth, toothache and more.

When a tooth experiences severe decay, the tooth can become far too compromised to save. When this happens, the infection has reached other areas of the body. This is a dangerous condition that can lead to other serious health problems.

To protect the patient and eliminate the infection, a root canal procedure is typically done to treat the area. If the tooth cannot be saved, then a replacement cap will be filled in to act like a new tooth.


Extraction will benefit other teeth.

A wisdom tooth is a molar at the back of the mouth. Wisdom teeth are commonly crowded into the mouth behind other teeth, and can become impacted. Sometimes wisdom teeth grow underneath the gums and do not erupt, causing pain in the back of the mouth. Wisdom teeth can also rub against other teeth in the mouth, thus putting pressure on them, causing pain and discomfort.

Wisdom teeth that cause problems of this nature need to be extracted in order to protect the health of the teeth currently in your mouth, and in order to preserve your day-to-day comfort.


To prevent overcrowding of teeth.

Sometimes teeth need realignment for an orthodontic procedure. This is difficult if the teeth are crowded. Your doctor will likely try to realign the teeth correctly, but if they're not able to, they will remove the tooth in order to align them properly.

When extraction is done to prevent overcrowding of the teeth, the pre-molars or molars at the back of the mouth are the teeth most likely to be removed. Your dentist can assess the particulars of your tooth alignment and determine which teeth are best removed.


After an accident.

Accidents like a car crash or a bad fall that require an orthodontic surgery may warrant a tooth removal, depending on the severity of the injury. Sometimes tooth extraction is required because the accident puts too much pressure on the gums. In fact, a severe blow to the head can even bend the tooth in unnatural ways.

When this is the case, the tooth needs to be extracted to enable the dentist to correct other problems with the teeth, gums and jaw, to help the patient finish their recovery.


Tooth Extractions at Williams, Daily, and Frazier

At Williams, Daily and Frazier, we help patients like you take care of their teeth and avoid extractions. However, if you need a tooth extraction for any reason, the professionals at Williams, Daily, and Frazier can help. We'll walk you through the tooth extraction process so you'll know what to expect at every turn.

Once the extraction is finished, our professionals provide restorative dentistry, so you can have confidence in your smile. Everyone deserves to love their smile. We want to help. To make an appointment or want to know more about Williams, Daily & Frazier Dental, contact us today.