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3 Min Read

How to Maintain Your Dental Health as You Age

As we age, maintaining dental health becomes increasingly significant. Our teeth and gums require more attention to prevent common issues such as..

3 Min Read

7 Ways Drinking More Water Improves Your Oral Health

Oral health is a window to your overall well-being, reflecting the state of your body's health. From flashing a bright smile to preventing serious..

5 Min Read

The Best Toothbrushes for 2024

Choosing the right toothbrush is important for maintaining excellent dental health. Over the years, toothbrushes have evolved from simple bristle..

3 Min Read

The Importance of Tongue Brushing for Oral Health

When it comes to oral hygiene, the spotlight often shines brightest on brushing teeth and flossing, yet a truly comprehensive approach encompasses..

4 Min Read

The Risks of Ignoring Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth represent a significant aspect of dental health that demands attention. These teeth, when not properly aligned or unable to..

3 Min Read

Everything You Should Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Considering dental implants is a significant step towards restoring your smile and confidence. At Williams, Daily & Frazier Dental, we specialize in..

4 Min Read

The 7 Most Common Dental Emergencies And How To Prevent Them

Dental emergencies often have a knack for catching us completely off guard, showing up at the most inconvenient moments, and presenting sudden..

3 Min Read

The Role of Diet in Oral Health: Foods That Protect Your Teeth

Have you ever considered how your diet affects your smile? Yes, the secret to a healthy, gleaming smile might just lie in your kitchen! The mouth is..

3 Min Read

Managing Dry Mouth: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Dry mouth is a prevalent condition that significantly impacts oral health. It's not just a matter of discomfort; it affects a wide demographic and..

2 Min Read

What are the Early Symptoms of Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a common term tossed around during dental check-ups, but its significance is often overlooked. What is gingivitis, and why is..

4 Min Read

Tooth Sensitivity 101: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Experiencing a sharp, sudden pain while indulging in a cold scoop of ice cream or a hot cup of tea is not just unpleasant – it's a common dental..

3 Min Read

Why You Should Use Antimicrobial Mouthwash

Maintaining good oral hygiene is not only essential for a bright smile but also plays a vital role in your overall health. While regular brushing and..

3 Min Read

How to Spot the Early Stages of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious yet potentially treatable illness if detected early. Being aware of the symptoms and knowing what to look for can help catch..

2 Min Read

Are Waterpiks As Good As Flossing?

Flossing is one of the most important ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy, but if you don’t like traditional flossing, you may be wondering if..

4 Min Read

How To Get Healthy Gums and Improve Gum Health

Are you ready to say goodbye to gum-related problems like gingivitis, mouth sores, and bad breath? Taking good care of your gums is key and can make..

4 Min Read

Brush Teeth Twice a Day to Prevent Cavities

Brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the most important things you can do for your dental health. It only takes two minutes and it's simple to..

2 Min Read

1 in 3 Americans Never Floss

If you're like most Americans, you probably don't floss as often as you should. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..

3 Min Read

What Causes a Receding Gum Line

A receding gum line is a serious issue that can cause tooth loss if left untreated. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of a receding gum..

3 Min Read

Why Dental Care for Dads is So Important

Dads take care of their families in a lot of ways. They make sure there’s food on the table, they work hard to provide for their loved ones, and..

3 Min Read

Families Can Stick to Good Oral Health Habits by Making Dental Care Fun

Dental care is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it can be hard to get the whole family on board. Children can be especially..

3 Min Read

Fluoride vs Fluoride Free Toothpaste

Preserving teeth comes down to 2 factors… Your dental hygiene habits and your toothpaste. Fluoride-free toothpastes can scrape off bacteria, but..

3 Min Read

What Causes Canker Sores

Have you ever had a canker sore? These sores are small lesions that develop typically inside the mouth. They can be very painful and annoying! Unlike..

2 Min Read

Drinking Water is Good for Your Teeth

Water is one of the most plentiful elements in the human body, and it is one of the most important. In fact, an adult human body is 60% water. As a..

3 Min Read

Do You Need a Filling or Root Canal? Here’s How to Know

Bodily pain and discomfort should never be ignored for long as it is almost always a symptom of something going wrong. Pain is how our body..

3 Min Read

Best Toothbrushes for 2021

What kind of toothbrush do you use? Does it perform well? When was the last time you considered a change of toothbrush? There are so many factors to..

2 Min Read

How Nutrition Impacts Oral Health

When people repeat the adage of you are what you eat, they usually are talking about full-body health. But did you know that your diet and the type..

2 Min Read

Is Chewing Gum Bad For Teeth?

Is chewing gum bad for your teeth? Dentists hear that question a lot, and the answer is – it depends. Chewing gum has its drawbacks, but it also has..

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